Style Guide

Welcome to Central P's style guide. here you can review the class namings, combo classes, and some guidance to properly do/create something that's not straight forward to keep your design consistent.

Display Class

Display classes are designed for extra-large text and are typically set using the vw unit, ensuring consistent scaling across all devices. However, in some cases, you may want the text to remain a fixed size. To achieve this, display classes are sometimes paired with custom classes, allowing for specific adjustments to individual text elements.

Note: Occasionally, even when an element is positioned above a heading text without overlapping, the heading's bounding box may still block the element. This happens because the line height is set to 1, which, for some fonts, can be smaller than the actual text size. To resolve this, it's best to set the element's position to relative and assign it a z-index higher than the heading.

Display 1

Text Here

Display 2

Text Here

Display 3

Text Here

Default Heading Styles

All heading text comes with default styling to ensure consistency across the design, even without a class. However, without a class, headings won't be responsive, so you'll need to add a class to make them adaptable to different screen sizes.

All H1 Headings

Text Here

All H2 Headings

Text Here

All H3 Headings

Text Here

All H4 Headings

Text Here

All H5 Headings
Text Here
All H6 Headings
Text Here

Adding a class to a heading not only makes the text responsive but also helps maintain SEO-friendly structure while allowing you to customize its size. For instance, you might want an H2 heading to appear smaller while retaining its H2 tag for SEO purposes.

Heading 1

Text Here

Heading 2

Text Here

Heading 3

Text Here

Heading 4

Text Here

Heading 5

Text Here

Heading 6

Text Here

Default Paragraph Style

The same principle applies to paragraphs. However, the default styles aren't applied directly to the paragraph element itself; they come from the Body's default styles. The only exception is the margin, which is part of the Paragraph's default styling.

All Paragraphs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Center Align Text

If you need to center a text, you can simply add a Center Align class.

Center Align

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Image Styles

Classes styling for images are very simple, and there's not that many of them.

Post Thumbnail Preview
Client Image
Post Main Image
Image Result

Rich Text Style

The same principle applies to paragraphs. However, the default styles aren't applied directly to the paragraph element itself; they come from the Body's default styles. The only exception is the margin, which is part of the Paragraph's default styling.

Post Main Contents

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Block quote

Ordered list

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Unordered list

  • Item A
  • Item B
  • Item C
Blog 1
Blog 2
Blog 3
    var checked = $('input[name="filter"]:checked');
    if (checked.length > 0) {
      var filters = [];
        filters.push('.' + $(this).val());
      var filter = filters.join('');
    } else {

Don't worry about the code, it's just for preview :)

Text link

Bold text




How to Add your own Dropdown Menu

I add this because I made them myself manually, instead of using Webflow's premade navbar layout, so, it's not straight forward to get it working properly. However, you can duplicate or copy and paste the existing one and then change the contents. This tutorial is just in case if you accidentally deleted it and have no way to undo it.

2. Make another Div Container

  1. make a Div container inside of Nav Links Container and give it a class name of Dropdown Menu Button
  2. Inside of the Dropdown Menu Button make another Div Container and give it 2 class names: Dropdown Menu Button Container and Nav Link

    The first class is the styling for the contents inside of the contianer, and the second class is to give padding to the nav button so it has the same spacing as the other nav buttons.
  3. Now, inside of Dropdown Menu Button Container , add 2 elements, the first one is a Text Block, and the second one is an Image. For the Image, give the image a simple V shaped arrow in the library. You don't need to add any class to the Text Block, but you do need to add a class to the Image, the class name is Dropdown Arrow Image.

    The Image's class is only used for the arrow's size and animation purposes.
  4. After that, go back 1 time and add another Div container inside of Dropdown Menu Button and give it a class name Dropdown Contents.

    This container is what we use to store all of the Nav buttons under the Dropdown Menu.
  5. Inside of Dropdown Contents, you can add as many Link Text as you want. Make sure that you add a class name Nav Link to every Link Text that you've added.

    Note: By default, Dropdown Contents only has 2 columns, if you want to add more, you can change it in the style panel by changing the display setting to grid first.
  6. There you have it! You've just created your own Dropdown menu without breaking the styles.